C o m i c | R a n t | P e e p s | F o r u m | S t o r e | L i n k s
These are the comics I read daily. Even the ones that aren't updated that often.
Adventurers (Updated daily...I think)
Remember all those annoying RPG cliches? Well, this comic does, and makes sure you do too.
D+Pad (Updated Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday)
Can you calculate the sales tax on that, too?
Elf Life (Updated daily-Saturdays too!)
Man, why can't my last name be Fire? It's just not fair...
Exploitation Now (Updated Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
If you have any morals at all, you probably shouldn't read this comic. In fact, even if you don't, it still wouldn't be advisable.
Red Meat (Updated weekly)
Little Gamers (Updated daily)
I don't think I've ever seen a comic so fond of the F-word before. But they're cute, so they still get all the chicks.
MegaTokyo (Updated Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
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Penny Arcade (Updated Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Dude. It's Penny Arcade. Penny Arcade needs no introduction.
PVP (Updated daily-even weekends!)
It's like Newsradio, except without the radio, or Andy Dick, or Phil Hartman, or that Kids in the Hall dude...wait, it's nothing like Newsradio...
Real Life Comics (Updated daily)
They've forgotten more about computers than I have in my little finger. Or something like that.
It's...well...it really can't be described... Not for those with weak constitutions.
RPG World (Updated Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)
Great camera angles. Oh yeah.
Whale! (Updated daily)
It's quirky, and it's...ahh...quirky.