C o m i c | R a n t | C h a r a c t e r s | F o r u m | L i n k s | S t o r e

Quimbylite Wakeboard
Blank board with an authentic stolen Hey! Quimby! design. It's a limited edition collector's piece, none have ever been made and none ever will be. Get yours today!
$300,000,000 plus shipping and handling
Please pay in nonsequential large bills. No Canadian dollars.

Click on picture to enlarge
Possibly Japanese Hello Kitty Candy!
A must have for any hardcore collector of Japanese memoribilia. Found in a Target parking lot, most likely the only one in existence in that area at that time! Act quickly!
$19,999.99, plus 50% sales tax.

Etherial Hey! Quimby! Mousepad by Ryan
Yes, now you too can have your very own Hey! Quimby! mousepad that you can move your mouse around on! Note that this mousepad exists on another plane of existence, meaning that you cannot see nor touch it. But this special bonus makes it truly special.
$149.99 plus S/H. Act now!

Buyer beware. These items may or may not actually exist.